august 7, 2024

this is the first site i've made where i've decided to not be afraid of webrings! (they can be found in links!) it feels a little silly with such a simple site... but who knows, maybe one day this site will become much more graphic-heavy like every other thing i make. but for now i'm having lots of fun finally applying to webrings :) yay

august 2, 2024

i added a bunch of fanlistings yaay :) but now it's 7:30am so i should probably go to sleep... or just commit to staying up... i dunno. but i get to see my gf tomorrow! i'm so excited :)

august 2, 2024

yes i know the themes don't transfer between pages... i hate javascript and i don't want to fix it rn :p

august 2, 2024

wahooo i made a blog page yay :)